Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Online music - how to sell Eskimo ice? (B)

On the back said, Baidu and China Mobile is best placed to sell music. But they are big business people, probably not making music to this little money online. All we have to continue to look to sell Eskimo ice company.

Who to sell Eskimo ice?

According to marketing point of view, the solution is differentiation, the best business unique offerings.

This was too good together on the Wheat Field to do. Currently only selling their wheat too Hop artist's latest music, and now sold nearly 20 songs, of which a large proportion of revenue from the first two weeks.浠栦滑鑷繁澶箰缃戠殑娴侀噺涓嶅ぇ锛屼簬鏄氨涓庣櫨搴︺?闆呰檸涓浗杩欎袱澶ф悳绱㈠紩鎿庤揪鎴愪簡鏂版瓕灞忚斀鍗忚锛屽嵆鍦ㄦ柊姝屽彂甯冪殑鍓嶄簩鍛ㄤ笉寰楁彁渚涗换浣曞叾瀹冪綉绔欑殑鐩楃増閾炬帴锛屼粠鑰屼繚璇佷簡鏂版瓕闃舵鐨勬敹鍏ャ?鐒跺悗闈犳湇鍔″彇鑳滐紝鍐嶈繘琛屼笅宸紓鍖栬惀閿?紝浠栦滑鐩墠鎵?彁渚涚殑鏈嶅姟鏈夌數瀛愬皝闈?MV鐢婚潰銆佸埗浣滆姳绲瓑銆?br />
From this model we can predict the future: online music downloads and ring tones should be the same, is the best-selling single-take-all situation. A few well-known songs such as "fairy tale" is to download the largest, more than all other combined. We know that consumers buy music online mainly because of cool or belief can not buy in other places, hundreds of thousands of head of stock that song is not those features, but foil. But now all the online music site does not promote the single-take-all phenomenon, so that their business is just the emperor's new clothes.

Song Ke, who is more aware.灏辨槸涓绘墦鍗曟洸锛岄潬涓?釜涓?釜鐨勪簨浠惰惀閿??浣嗘槸澶悎楹︾敯鐨勫姡鍔挎槸鑷骇鑷攢妯″紡锛屽洜涓轰唬鐞嗗叾浠栧敱鐗囧叕鍙哥殑姝屾洸瀛樺湪绔炰簤鍏崇郴锛屾墍浠ヤ粬鐨勬笭閬撳ソ姝屼笉澶氥? Your site traffic is small, while partner sites Baidu and Yahoo have not officially launched the online music business, did not seriously the issue of alliance to the main push. So I'll have to find other companies!

銆??鍦ㄥ浗澶栵紝纭欢鍘傚晢鑻规灉鍏徃绛夊埄鐢ㄨ繖浜涢煶涔愭潵淇冭繘纭欢锛屽苟鍦ㄩ煶涔愮綉绔欎笂閿?敭骞垮憡鍜屽崠婕斿敱浼氶棬绁ㄧ瓑寮?睍鐢靛瓙鍟嗗姟銆?br />
It seems that there are entities that sell Patriot companies increase web site most likely to achieve, they have money but also understands marketing.浣嗘槸鐖卞浗鑰呮湰韬苟涓嶆槸涓?釜寮哄娍鍝佺墝,涓?釜闈炲己鍔垮搧鐗屾槸寰堥毦甯﹀姩鎴栨崋缁戜竴涓柊缃戠珯鍝佺墝鎴愬姛鐨勩? The iPod itself is a strong brand, monopoly for more than 60% of MP3 player market, and then drive iTunes is easy. Patriot is now selling well go overseas, the domestic market, to attract overseas Chinese to become a focus group of users.浠婂勾鐖卞浗鑰呮暟鐮侀煶涔愮綉鍙堣繘鍐汼P棰嗗煙銆?And to be introduced in a "aigo Music" brand products, and now Patriot is: download + online + own brand of wireless value-added player, a more complete system.

But the Patriot flow is relatively small, while the music downloads to consumers by the public. No one will come to your site to buy special music. A website is just the music on the cabinets, there is no interaction, no community, no adhesive on no one would stay. Music and Internet capabilities are patriots weaknesses.

銆??鑻规灉妯″紡鍦ㄤ腑鍥借涓嶉?锛岄偅鎬庢牱鎵嶈兘杩呴?绉疮鑷繁缃戠珯鐨勪汉姘斿憿锛?Then it is best done inside MySpace, worth learning from.

銆??MySpace.com浠ラ煶涔愯捣瀹躲? Only less than three years since its establishment, it has 60 million users, registered users per month up to 2 million.鍦ㄦ墍鏈夌綉绔欎腑鎺掑湪绗竷浣嶃? MySpace music site average daily flow of up to 50 million, MySpace, there are 1 million band information.

MySpace model is the blog + SNS (Social Network System) + hot products and services (music). Myspace is the music started, and for the application of music to attract a large number of viscosity of users, and between the SNS to the user based on common interests to connect, through the personal blog to show people out, and attract more people to join, making System of a benign cycle of growth.

WEB2.0 model used to increase viscosity and reduce operating costs website. Editors of this model without too much cost.鍙互浣庢垚鏈刀瓒呴棬鎴风綉绔欐祦閲忋? Popularity as quickly accumulate.

In summary, the success serves decent online music site has the following 10 essential conditions. Have these qualities in order to be able to sell Eskimo ice.

聽聽聽 1銆佽鏈夐挶銆傛垨澶х殑铻嶈祫鑳藉姏锛堝崈涓囩編閲戜互涓婄骇鍒紝鍑犵櫨涓囩殑鍋氫笉鎴愶級銆?br />2, the site should have a strong flow. To be the same as Baidu, and music search function and just authority of the list. Best portal strong music channels, or a strong music portal.
3, the Internet context. Some SP origin or descent hardware companies need to mend the Internet operation skills.
4, the background music. Since it is selling music, do not know music is an incredible thing, but now the common.
5, wireless value-added background. Music is the real profitability of the wireless business. Wireless revenue would account for more than half of the major music companies revenue. So sites close to and integration of value-added services, to do that TOM is the best.
聽聽聽 6銆佸姟瀹炲幓鍋氥?鍏夋湁濂芥潯浠朵笉鐢ㄥ績鍘诲仛涔熸槸鐧借垂銆?No secret to success, no shortcuts. The pragmatic character and leadership, leadership must be pragmatic, valedictory concept.
7, there have been previous such as Li Yuchun of popular singers or songs.涓嶆柇杩涜鐐掍綔鍜屼簨浠惰惀閿?紝鍚稿紩鐢ㄦ埛锛屽苟鍩瑰吇鍏舵秷璐逛範鎯?
8, similar to MySpace's WEB2.0 community model. So that sites can rapidly increase the flow of low-cost, increase user stickiness, and can develop a variety of profitable.
9, low-cost carriers. Online music portal to sell well, because the high cost. As the online music revenue is not high, the province is making, so low-cost carriers is to ensure that the key to profit, or sell more lost money.
10, marketing background. Integrated marketing team to understand the need to multi-profit business. Rely on a model for online music people will starve to death.

However, several necessary conditions for this polymer is so difficult to piece! Why do not matter day world, such as one's wish? Tai Mak example, if agents of other companies selling more songs, and he had been too happy network traffic over the previous portal on it. Patriot, the site traffic increased + WEB2.0 interactive, music lovers into how wonderful the community.

After the online music site to be a big flow of community-based integrated services, the website need to constantly develop new profitable business, users can buy music in addition to consumption of something else.鎴戝缓璁彲浠ュ缓涓?釜蹇楀悓閬撳悎娑堣垂姝g増浜虹兢鐨勭ぞ鍖猴紝鐪嬩粬浠氦娴佺殑璇濋锛岀劧鍚庡氨鏈夊湪绾块煶涔愭渚嬪彲浠ョ爺绌朵簡銆?Music sold to individuals alone to profit, is the lazy idea of website operators.

There are several new modes:

銆??涓嶈鎬绘兂鐫?妸闊充箰鍗栫粰涓汉锛屽叾瀹炰紒涓氱敤鎴蜂篃闇?鍒╃敤闊充箰钀ラ攢銆?He is music to spread their products and corporate image.鐜板湪瑕佹柊鐨勬ā寮忓氨鏄妸闊充箰鍗栫粰浼佷笟锛屼篃灏辨槸鏂扮殑B2B妯″紡銆?Now the marketing is already making money from outside the product itself. Also need marketing to sell music from the music itself features other than the function point up to find solutions.

After several profitable music Web site points:

銆??1銆佸箍鍛?銆佺増鏉冮攢鍞?銆佹棤绾垮鍊?銆佺數瀛愬晢鍔?銆侀煶涔愯惀閿?銆佸叾浠?br />
Please forgive me I can not say in detail, and interested friends can contact me directly. Tips for selling online music without the need to constantly marketing, a down input. If you want to learn a good ideas, go back and easy to sell music, then, this let you down.

Online music - the way ice sold to Eskimos - The following ten factors are basically indispensable.

The following is the online music has been done, and the ability to encourage the analysis of online music companies.浠呬緵澶у浠ュ強鍒楄〃鍏徃鍙傝?銆?br />

This table is more like an analysis tool, each reader has their own opinion.澶у涔熷彲浠ユ妸鎴戝啓鐨勬摝鍘诲叏閮ㄨ嚜宸辨潵濉啓鑷繁蹇冧腑鐨勭瓟妗堛?

Since the question always has the answer.閫氳繃鍒嗘瀽锛屾垜涓汉璁や负鏈?湁鍙兘鎴愬姛鐨勬槸A8锛孴OM锛屼節澶┿? They are larger or music portal site, also WEB2.0 interaction, and the music business did quite well.


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